North County News!
Dripping Springs City Council recognized Tina Adkins and Michael Meves for coordinating HCMN activities in Northern Hays County.
Be a Citizen Scientist, Your Head in the Stars
The night sky is rapidly diminishing. Hays County Friends of the Night Sky is leading an initiative to attract volunteers to monitor these changes.
The Bois d’Arc Tree
Boys in my neighborhood called these trees “Bodark,” and of course the hard, heavy, green fruit became projectiles to throw.
About the Cover…
We hear this bird more often than we see it. But if you move gently in the direction of its cascading song…
Dragonfly Days Are Here
As temps go up and peak bird watching season winds down, consider focusing your binos and cameras on a smaller flyer.
Appreciating Native Grasslands
Grass? A bright green expanse of well watered lawn—or vast meadows of tall grasses and wildflowers swaying in the breeze.
Migratory Bird Day Festival
Dripping Springs, San Marcos, and Wimberley will make a positive impact on bird habitat preservation and conservation across Hays County. How are they doing it?
The Sky’s Silent Spring?
It’s time to understand the connections between energy, the environment, and light pollution—and act on them.
About the Cover..
She circled around, allowed a few shots, took off again, made several orbits around the area, and came back for her close-up.
Clean Water?—We’re on Top of It!
It’s all one water. And across Central Texas we’re all on top of it.
World Migratory Bird Day 2023
World Migratory Bird Day…celebrates and brings attention to one of the most important and spectacular events in the Americas…
Hidden Gems
I never knew about some of the harder-to-see stuff until I pulled off the highway and stopped to “smell the flowers.”
About the Cover…
I hear them as I’m walking the trails, but they’re often hard to spot in the canopy.
Color Us Beautiful
It’s out! And it’s fabulous. It’s the Beautiful Hays County Activity and Coloring Book. Intended for outreach and education, this Activity and Coloring Book is a project of the Willett Foundation Grant to the Hays County Chapter of the Texas Master Naturalist™ program.
Insects and Spiders—Mostly Our Friends
Love them or hate them, insects and spiders are vital to the health of our Texas Hill Country ecosystems. Why should we care?
Art of Renewal
It was new. Mysterious. It intrigued me right off the nature trail and, along swirls of scented wood, spiraled me into its center. Safe inside, I felt delight and something primordial.
IDA Texas is now DarkSky Texas
DarkSky Texas in April 2023 announced its new name along with a new initiative intended to reach more Texans about ways to improve outdoor lighting to benefit ourselves, the economy, and nature.