Bird City Texas
The Prize
Congratulations! Hays County now claims three Bird Cities: Dripping Springs, Wimberley, and San Marcos, raising the total to 15 Texas cities so far.
Hays’ Bird Cities
Places, Planning, and The Point
Folks from various organizations often cross-volunteer among multiple opportunities across the County. But the prestigious Bird City certification is granted to cities!
Bird Cities Work!
People, Projects, and Protection
Bird City Texas aims to restore habitats, increase native plants, increase public awareness, and promote environmental stewardship. See how Hays’ Bird Cities made it happen.
Reaching Out
The Texas Hill Country’s storied natural landscapes, its birdsong mornings and starry nights, are a world disappearing. How much of our natural world will we leave to our children’s children?
About the Cover…
These two large wading birds—Great Egret and Great Blue Heron—were not only tolerating one another but seemed to be working together. Is this unusual behavior?
What Good Is It?
We asked a range of experts who work with landowners to share some common complaints they hear. Their insights reveal why certain plants are often maligned and what happens when a plant is viewed from just one perspective.
“The Teddy Roosevelt of Texas”
No single person in Texas history has done more to preserve and protect public lands. The impact of his work may be felt every time you set foot on a Texas trail.
Counting Birds
2024 Christmas Bird Count
“We had the highest species count we have ever had over the 9 years we've surveyed the San Marcos circle.” Drumroll please!
About the Cover…
A large bird flew across my path, landing on a fence post near my neighborhood entrance. As I got closer, I realized it was a bird I’d never seen in my area before.
It’s All Connected
A teaspoon of good soil can hold billions of bacteria, yards of fungal threads, thousands of single-celled organisms, and dozens of nematodes. What’s the impact on plants?
2024 HCMN Gala
Hays County Master Naturalists gathered at the Wimberley Community Center to celebrate another year of accomplishments and to honor the HCMN Class of Agaritas.
2024 Photography Contest Results
This year marks two decades of celebrating the region’s natural beauty through nature photography. Check out this year’s winners!
What about Snails?
Snails can be found worldwide, even in Antarctica. By most estimates, they’ve existed for ~600 million years, making them one of the oldest-known animal species.
About the Cover…
Fall Bluebirds—their arrival felt like a quiet reminder of nature’s resilience and its ability to bring unexpected joy.
Texas Master Naturalist
Over 200 speakers from across the state made presentations on a variety of topics at the 2024 TMN Annual Meeting. Check out highlights of talks made by your Hays County colleagues…Impressive!
Boots on the Ground
Thirty-four field sessions were offered at this year’s TMN Annual Meeting. Hays County Master Naturalists led the way with “boots on the ground.”
The Monarch Butterfly Migration
In a changing world of heat, urbanization, pollinating drones, and slow political will, what's the future of this miraculous butterfly migration?
About the Cover…
Did you know that Texas has an official state insect? Wanna guess what it is?
The Clean-up Crew
I realized soon enough that the vulture was headed toward our pet’s gravesite—not intending to pay its respects but rather...