North County News!
Bob Adkins
President, Hays County Master Naturalist
The Dripping Springs City Council proclaimed the month of July 2023 as “Parks and Recreation Month.” As part of this celebration, Dripping Springs Parks and Recreation Director Andrew Binz recognized HCMN members Tina Adkins and Michael Meves at the July 5 Dripping Springs City Council meeting for their work coordinating Hays County Master Naturalist activities at Dripping Springs Ranch Park and Charro Ranch Park respectively.
Dripping Springs Ranch Park
Recent HCMN activities at Dripping Springs Ranch Park include bird blind maintenance and filling feeders, FeederWatch, a bio blitz, the Migratory Bird Day booth and bird walk at the Festival of Flight, NestWatch, youth education at Coyote Camp, work on removing invasive plants, and planting and sowing natives. In the planning stage are monthly “Walks with a Naturalist,” coming this fall.
Charro Ranch Park
HCMN efforts at Charro Ranch Park include trail maintenance, bird blind maintenance and filling feeders, FeederWatch, monthly bird surveys, and monthly workdays. In the planning stage for this fall, as part of the HCMN "Nature Superstars" Activity and Coloring Book education project, is an HCMN staffed visit to the park by future young naturalists.
Also in the works are bird identification signs for both parks, donated by HCMN and featuring photographs provided by chapter photographers. Tina and Michael want to thank the many volunteers who have assisted. So far this year, the chapter has recorded over 750 hours of volunteer work in the two northern Hays County parks.
Johnna Krantz, Event Center Coordinator for Dripping Springs Parks, with Tina Adkins (center) and Michael Meves (right)