Water! Water! Water!
The Importance of Water for Birds
Golden-cheeked Warbler female and Black-and-White Warbler female
Photos: Tom Hausler
I am always asked, “How do you attract so many birds to your yard?”
The answer is Water, Water, Water…
Tom Hausler
Providing a dependable source of water is probably the simplest and most important step you can take to greatly increase the birds in your yard.
Ladder-backed Woodpecker male
I have 3 standing bird baths, 2 bird baths on the ground, and 1 fountain with running water.
Ruby-crowned Kinglet
The fountain attracts the birds with its sound and has 3 water pockets for them to bathe in.
Summer Tanager male
Providing birds with a reliable water source is a must. It’s even more important during these hot dry seasons.
Black-and-white Warbler
Water helps regulate birds’ body temperature and prevents stress from the heat.
Yellow Warbler
A dependable water source also allows them to bathe and keep their feathers clean and healthy for flying.
Nashville Warbler
A good bird bath doesn’t have to be large or elaborate to provide hours of entertainment for you and an excellent habitat enhancement for the birds in your neighborhood.
Orange-crowned Warbler
The water depth should be no more than 1.5” to 2” deep for most songbirds, and there should be some shrubs or trees nearby to provide cover and shade to keep the water cool and the birds safe. Water should be refreshed daily or circulated using a small pump.
Golden-cheeked Warbler