World Migratory Bird Day 2023
Hays County, Texas
Betsy Cross
World Migratory Bird Day
World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD) is a global bird conservation education campaign that “celebrates and brings attention to one of the most important and spectacular events in the Americas—bird migration.” More from the WMBD website:
Once celebrated only on the second Saturday in May, we recognize that migratory birds leave and arrive at breeding and non-breeding states at different times, depending on many factors. They also stop at different sites across the Western Hemisphere to rest and refuel, providing opportunities to engage the public in learning about birds and their conservation. Today, we maintain traditional event dates on the second Saturday in May and the second Saturday in October, while encouraging organizations and groups to host their activities when migratory birds are present.
Through this effort, participating communities across the globe provide the public an opportunity to learn about birds and to show individual citizens how they can contribute in tangible, practical ways to bird conservation and habitat preservation.
Hays County Communities: Raising Awareness and Taking Action
In November, 2020, the Dripping Springs City Council approved a resolution recognizing World Migratory Bird Day (WMBD). Dripping Springs held its 1st annual WMBD Festival of Flight on May 8, 2021 at Charro Ranch Park in recognition of WMBD.
Then in February, 2022, after the diligent work and collaboration of partnering organizations—including Dripping Springs Birding Club, Hays County Master Naturalist, Wild Birds Unlimited, and Destination Dripping Springs—Audubon Texas and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) officially awarded a 3-year “Bird City Texas” certification to the city, a huge achievement since Dripping Springs is one of only 10 Texas cities to receive the designation as of February, 2023. Read more about the latest Bird City Texas recipients and program requirements here.
On May 20, 2023, Dripping Springs held its 3rd Annual WMBD Festival of Flight at Dripping Springs Ranch Park.
The following organizations were present to support the event: Dripping Springs Birding Club, Hays County Master Naturalist, Hays County Master Gardners, Dripping Springs Parks/Community Services, Wild Birds Unlimited, For the Birds, Destination Dripping Springs, Westcave Preserve, and Travis County Balcones Canyonlands Preserve.
Approximately 30 people participated in four guided bird walks, where close to 50 species of birds were identified and documented. Unusual sightings included White-eyed Ibis, Swainson’s Thrush, Le Conte’s Sparrow, Dickcissel, and Grasshopper Sparrow.
Bird Walk
Photo: Hope Boatright
Photo: Hope Boatright
Male Cardinal (lower left) and Male Summer Tanager (top right)
Photo: Tom Hausler
Photo: Tom Hausler
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher
Photo: Bill Vancak
Grasshopper Sparrow
Photo: Bill Vancak
On May 13, 2023, the Wimberley Parks and Recreation Department participated in WMBD by hosting the first Hill Country Migratory Bird Seminar in Wimberley, Texas. The event was sponsored by the Wimberley Birding Society. The Hill Country Native Plant Society, Hays County Master Naturalists, the Wimberley Birding Society, and Wimberley Parks and Recreation had exhibit tables to share their extensive information about birds.
The half-day seminar featured breakout sessions with speakers Michael Heimbuch, Rufus Stephens, Lisa Graham, and Rebekah Rylander. Craig Hensley was the keynote speaker.
Hill Country Migratory Bird Seminar speakers Michael Heimbuch, Rebekah Rylander, Craig Hensley, and Rufus Stephens. Lisa Graham was unavailable for the photo.
Photo: HCMN Bob Currie
Speakers and elements of their talks included:
Lisa Graham Just like humans, birds need food, water, shelter, and places to raise their young safely. Learn how to attract a diversity of expected backyard species using native plants, water features, supplemental feeders, and nestboxes.
Mike Heimbuch Birds use a variety of senses and techniques to navigate during migration, including the movement of the stars and earth’s magnetic field. Mike reviewed the basics of migration and migratory bird biology and the tools and techniques used by ornithologists to study bird migration.
Rebekah Rylander Learn more about migration flyways, how different factors influence the timing and success of migration, what makes migration in Central Texas so special, and how social networking among birds is important for migration species.
Rufus Stephens Birds in North America have declined dramatically in the last 50 years, and they need our help as land stewards. Learn about habitat requirements of several native bird species and what habitat management practices you can use to be a better land steward for birds.
Craig Hensley Economically, birds contribute to pocketbooks, generating jobs from hotels and restaurants to bird seed, optical products, books, and even clothing sales. Beyond this, however, birds do so much more. They add beauty through color and song. Birds are the stuff of poets and authors, fueling our imagination and knowledge. They inspire us to dream, they bring joy, and for many, a sort of peace often hard to find in today’s world. We hope you’ll become more inspired to recruit others into the world of all things avian.
All Photos: Bob Currie
Hays County residents and visitors—families, die-hard birding enthusiasts, nature lovers, curious citizens from all walks of life, and future birders of America—mark your calendars. The 2nd Annual San Marcos Migratory Bird Festival will take place on June 10, 2023 at the San Marcos Discovery Center. Please come to have fun and learn about birds with us.
The 2nd Annual San Marcos Migratory Bird Day Festival is coming soon!
This year’s festival theme, “Water: Sustaining Bird Life,” is for the whole family. Interactive games and activities are planned for all ages.
Bird walks, four in total, are scheduled each hour starting at 9:00 a.m.
Music will be provided by Molly Hayes. She will be performing 30-minute sets at
10:30 and 11:30.
The festival is hosted by SMTX Parks and Recreation and the City of San Marcos TX.
Hope to see you all there!