Central Texas Frostweed
If you are brave enough to bundle up and venture out into a cold morning, you can try to discover a native plant that does an interesting trick.
Things You May Not Know About Skunks
When people tell skunk stories, they usually involve getting sprayed…but by knowing them better, we may appreciate them as the unique and beautiful animals they are.
About the Cover…
The moment they feel you staring at them, they usually slide right off their perch and disappear into the water. But not this guy.
2023 HCMN Gala
The moment of inevitability washed over me like a slow-moving cold front. I would be a river cooter.
Naturalists Rooted in the Community
An amazing group of energetic, committed Dripping Springs folks banded together to get down and dirty.
Whooping Cranes
Does North America’s tallest bird walk any taller knowing that it was one of the first 74 species listed on the 1967 Endangered Species Preservation Act?
The sighting of a Canvasback duck is always a treat on my photographic trips. Enjoy this beautiful bird!
Christmas is Coming
The Christmas Bird Count that is! It will be held this year in San Marcos on Sunday, December 17! Participation is for anyone and everyone, regardless of skill level.
About the Cover…
Our December Magazine cover features an extraordinary scene…a glimpse into a unique wildlife experience.
Part 1 - The Coloring Book’s 2nd place Exemplary Project win at state rewarded the work of 61 HCMN volunteers. Let’s look at all the activities we’ve been working on. Part 2 - The Coloring Book welcomed young explorers and their guardians to diverse nature locales.
Reaching all of Hays County
Our video team’s goal is to give folks pride in our natural resources with a mix of humor, wonder, and education.
Master Naturalists Support TPWD
HCMNs work to conserve and educate others about the wildlife and plants that grow on the Texas landscape. But have you ever looked below the surface—the surface of the water, that is?
Natural Allies
The Hill Country Alliance successfully hosted its 11th annual Leadership Summit, From Vision to Action, bringing together Hill Country leaders and conservationists eager to learn from one another. Three HCMNs were invited presenters.
Texas Master Naturalist
Members of the HCMN had the opportunity and delight to attend the 2023 Texas Master Naturalist Annual State Meeting. There were simply not enough hours to drink it all in!
About the Cover…
Remember hearing that distinctive “Bob-White” whistle? When I hear that beautiful sound, I recall long past days of sitting on the porch and whistling the notes in reply.
Appreciating Native Grasslands
Here in Hays County and across the rest of the Hill Country, we are rapidly losing our natural grasslands. So it has become even more incumbent on land stewards to protect and restore the ones we have.
Water Quality Protection Lands
Savanna restoration is not only good for conserving the historical biodiversity of central Texas, but also the best management technique for the optimization of our water quality and quantity of recharge back into the aquifer.
Westcave Preserve Honors
Come meet the photographer behind the lens of many of Westcave’s incredible images.
Charro Ranch Workday
We had the pleasant surprise of a visit from Scout Troop 4 of the Dripping Springs American Legion. On everyone’s mind are two upcoming rare solar events. Don’t miss the first one—October 14!