Audubon Birds of North America – A great field guide resource, includes over 821 bird species, thousands of bird calls and songs.
Sibley Birds of North America – Allows you to take your favorite Sibley Bird guide with you everywhere without the added weight of pages covering 810 species! This handy app gives you access to over 2,300 different bird calls and songs.
Peterson Field Guide Birds of North America – This comprehensive mobile resource includes information from eight Peterson Field Guide books.
Merlin Bird ID – Browse more than 2.000 stunning images taken by top photographers. Merlin also includes more than 1,000 audio recordings from the Macaulay Library, identification tips from experts, and range maps from the Birds of North America Online.
iBirds – One of the most up-to-date, constantly updated, comprehensive field guide, with a community at your finger-tips waiting to answer your questions!
iNaturalist – Observe, record, discuss, repeat!
Texas Nature Trackers – Downloading this app enables the public and trained citizen scientists to report sightings of rare wildlife and plant life. Whether you’re hiking, camping, birding, hiking, or are simply curious about what you found, use this app to keep track of your sightings, and get expert help from other naturalists.