About the Cover…

Friends or Foes?

A Great Egret and a Great Blue Heron were observed cooperating while fishing. Photos courtesy Mike Davis

Mike Davis

Is this unusual behavior? These two large wading birds—Great Egret and Great Blue Heron—were not only tolerating each other but seemed to be working together to harvest large minnows. I have observed the two species numerous times—oftentimes combative, especially if one were to fly into the other’s “territory.” The combative behavior usually consisted of loud squawking, wing flapping, and an overt display of aggression between both species.

A quick Google search to investigate if the Egret and the Great Blue cooperate while feeding yielded no confirmation or denial.

I did read that Egrets and Great Blues will sometimes share a rookery area, but their nests are not in close proximity to one another. What was confirmed is the mutual irritation of the two species when one or the other gets too close.

So is this co-fishing unusual? Rare? I can only say that I have spent many years fishing and hunting in marsh areas, and this was the ONLY time I have seen these great birds seemingly working together while fishing.


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